'Feeling of Outrage': Elon Musk's X platform has negative impact on mental well being its users

Produced by: Tarun Mishra Designed by: Manoj Kumar

Negative Impact of Using X

Researchers at the University of Toronto have published findings indicating that using X, previously known as Twitter, has adverse effects on users' well-being.

Emotional Toll of X Usage

The study, featured in the journal Communications Psychology, emphasizes the emotional toll experienced by individuals upon logging onto the social media platform X.

Positive Emotions Decrease

Upon accessing X, users experience a decline in positive emotions such as joy, coupled with heightened feelings of outrage and political polarization.

Lack of Positive Effects on Well-Being

Despite some users reporting a sense of belonging, the study co-author underscores the absence of positive effects on overall well-being.

Demographically Diverse Participants

The research, encompassing 252 demographically diverse participants in the United States, yielded consistent findings irrespective of age, ethnicity, or other factors.

Escapism Motive

Users who turn to X as a form of escapism exhibit lower well-being, heightened anger, and increased unhappiness, according to the study's results.

Political Polarization

Individuals with stronger political polarization tendencies tend to engage in more retweeting activities on X, contributing to the platform's divisive atmosphere.

Intentional Use of Social Media to Avoid Negative Emotional Effects

In light of the findings, researchers recommend adopting a more intentional approach to social media usage to mitigate the negative emotional consequences associated with platforms like X.