'Most powerful in the world': China reveals breakthrough in sound laser technology

Produced by: Tarun Mishra Designed by: Manoj Kumar

Revolutionary Discovery

Scientists in China have achieved a groundbreaking feat by developing an exceptionally powerful "sound laser" that emits particles of sound instead of light.

Unprecedented Brightness

The newly created sound laser, hailed as the most potent of its kind, represents a significant advancement in laser technology. It utilizes two light beams to levitate a silica bead and produce particle-like chunks of sound known as phonons.

Core Innovation

At the heart of the device lies a one-micrometre-long silica bead, which is surrounded by a reflective cavity. Unlike traditional lasers that emit photons, these innovative machines release phonons, amplifying any vibrations within the bead.

Enhanced Performance

Researchers from Hunan Normal University in China, led by Hui Jing and his team, have successfully modified the existing architecture to boost the laser's brightness tenfold. This enhancement significantly amplifies the power delivered by the sound laser.

Extended Operation Time

Unlike previous iterations, which operated for only a few minutes, this upgraded sound laser can function continuously for over an hour, showcasing its remarkable durability and efficiency.

Diverse Applications

The application of phonons in various fields, including optoelectronics, ultrasound, signal modulation, and nanoparticle manipulation, highlights the versatility and potential impact of this groundbreaking technology.

Potential in Imaging and Security

Phonons, being less affected by liquids, offer superior imaging capabilities for watery tissues and deep monitoring. Furthermore, the ability of sound lasers to emit sound in the terahertz frequency range opens up possibilities for enhanced security measures, such as airport scans.

Continued Advancements

Known as Sound Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (SASER), these "sound lasers" mark a significant milestone in laser innovation. Continued research and development in this field promise further advancements and applications in the future.