'Donated Rs 200 crore to become a Monk': Gujarat businessman and wife embrace monkhood following in their children's footsteps

Produced by: Tarun Mishra Designed by: Manoj Kumar

Donation and Monkhood Journey

A prosperous Jain couple from Gujarat, Bhavesh Bhandari and his wife, have donated nearly ₹200 crore and embraced monkhood, following the lead of their children who renounced materialism in 2022.

Wealth Donation Ceremony

During a ceremony in February, the couple ceremoniously donated their entire wealth, marking their commitment to a life of renunciation.

Adoption of Monkhood

Bhavesh Bhandari and his wife will officially adopt monkhood at an event scheduled later this month, severing all family ties and relinquishing all material possessions.

Inspiration from Children

Inspired by their 19-year-old daughter and 16-year-old son, who embraced monkhood in 2022, the couple decided to renounce their material attachments and embark on the ascetic path.

Life as Monks

After taking the pledge on April 22, the couple will adhere to strict guidelines, including owning only two white garments, a bowl for alms, and a "rajoharan" for non-violence practices.

Renowned Family's Decision

The decision by the affluent Bhandari family, known for their immense wealth, has attracted widespread attention across the state, reflecting a growing trend of individuals opting for spiritual asceticism.

Public Donation Procession

The couple, along with 35 others, participated in a four-kilometre procession where they donated all their possessions, including mobile phones and air conditioners, symbolizing their commitment to a minimalist lifestyle.

Influence on Jain Community

The Bhandari couple's decision aligns with the principles of Jainism, inspiring others in the community to contemplate renunciation and spiritual growth over material wealth.

Similar Instances of Wealth Donation

The Bhandari family joins a select group of individuals, including Bhavaralal Jain and other affluent families, who have relinquished their wealth to embrace a life of restraint and simplicity.

Impact on Family Dynamics

Similar instances in the past, such as the donation by a diamond merchant and his wife in Gujarat, highlight the complexities of familial relationships and the challenges faced by children left behind as their parents pursue monkhood.