Lake that turns animals into stones

April 29, 2024

Tanzania's uniqueness In the vast and varied landscapes of Tanzania, Lake Natron stands out as a unique and intriguing place.

Birth of “Lake Natron” Lake Natron is a salt or alkaline lake. Natron is a salt (sodium carbonate) found in dried lake beds.

How Big is Lake Natron? Lake Natron covers an area of approximately 58 square miles (150 square kilometers), though its size varies significantly depending on the season and the amount of rainfall. It’s less than 10 feet (3 meters) deep.

Why so popular? Lake Natron is a unique natural phenomenon. One of the most striking features of Lake Natron is its striking red coloration. Presence of large quantities of haloarchaea gives the lake a deep red and pink color.

Why so Deadly? It is capable of causing burns and irritations to human skin and eyes. Additionally, Lake Natron is subject to extremely high temperatures. Its water temperatures can push above 100°F (38°C).

Any Human Deaths? In 2007, a helicopter filled with a group of wildlife photographers crashed into the lake while hovering too low to the surface.

How animals turn into stones here? The high levels of sodium bicarbonate can lead to the calcification of birds and other animals. The animals died in the water and their carcasses were preserved by the chemicals in the water, making them salty statues.

How the World find out? In a book titled “Across the Ravaged Land” (Abrams Books, 2013), photographer Nick Brandt wrote, “I took these creatures as I found them on the shoreline, and then placed them in ‘living’ positions, bringing them back to ‘life,’ as it were.”

Best Time to Visit The best time to visit Lake Natron is during the cooler months from June to September. However, visitors interested in seeing the flamingos should plan their trip around the breeding season between September and March.