Exquisite animals found only in Mediterranean basin


Also known as the Barbary ape, this species of macaque is the only macaque species found outside of Asia and the only primate species in the Mediterranean region. 

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Barbary Macaque 

While the European robin is found in other parts of Europe, its subspecies in the Mediterranean basin has distinct features and behaviors.

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European Robin

Endemic to the Balearic Islands, this seabird is known for its graceful flight over the Mediterranean Sea. It's critically endangered due to threats like pollution and habitat destruction.

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Balearic Shearwater 

This small to medium-sized tortoise is native to southern Europe, particularly the Mediterranean region

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Hermann's Tortoise 

One of the most endangered cat species in the world, the Iberian lynx is found only in the Iberian Peninsula, including parts of Spain and Portugal.

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Iberian Lynx 

This gazelle species is native to North Africa, particularly the Atlas Mountains and the Sahara Desert, including parts of the Mediterranean basin in Morocco and Algeria.

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Cuvier's Gazelle 

Endemic to the Mediterranean region, this small passerine bird is found in scrub and maquis habitats. It's known for its striking black head and white eye ring

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Sardinian Warbler

This small bird is endemic to Corsica and Sardinia. It's characterized by its blue-grey plumage and distinctive habit of moving headfirst down tree trunks in search of insects.

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Corsican Nuthatch 

One of the most endangered marine mammals in the world, this seal species is found in the Mediterranean and eastern Atlantic

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Mediterranean Monk Seal