7 Tips by Toppers to Score 99+ Marks in Board Exams

By Apoorva Anand

Achieving 99+ marks in board exams is definitely an ambitious goal, but with the right approach and these 7 tips from toppers, you can definitely increase your chances of success!

Here are the 7 topper tips to ace your board exams:

Don't be a "last-minute crammer." Toppers emphasise regular, focused study sessions to grasp concepts thoroughly. Consistency builds understanding and confidence, both crucial for excelling in exams.

1. Master the art of consistency

Create a personalised timetable that prioritises subjects based on your strengths and weaknesses. Allocate realistic study hours and factor in breaks to avoid burnout. Stick to your plan and adapt it as needed throughout your preparation journey.

2. Build a winning study strategy

Thoroughly understand the exam syllabus and marking scheme. Focus on high-weightage topics and prioritise mastering core concepts before moving on to advanced ones. This ensures efficient knowledge utilisation during exams.

3. Befriend the syllabus

Passive reading won't cut it. Engage with the material through note-taking, mind maps, and practice questions. Explain concepts to yourself or in study groups to solidify understanding. Active learning helps retain information better.

4. Embrace active learning

Previous years' papers and sample questions are gold mines! Solve them under timed conditions to practice time management and understand the question paper pattern. Analysing past papers also reveals frequently tested topics and question styles.

5. Conquer the past

Don't hesitate to clarify doubts with teachers, tutors, or study groups. Asking questions strengthens your understanding and prevents confusion. Remember, no one knows everything, and seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

6. Seek help, when needed! 

Remember, a healthy mind and body are essential for peak performance. Eat nutritious meals, get enough sleep, and regular exercise. Practice stress management techniques like meditation or deep breathing to stay calm and focused during exams.

7. Prioritise well-being

These tips are just a starting point, and you can personalise them to fit your learning style and preferences. Remember, consistency, effective study strategies, and a positive mindset is key to unlocking your academic potential and achieving excellent results!

We hope these tips help you ace your board exams!