Most Expensive Cameras Ever Sold

April 30, 2024

This Leica camera, the first of 20 prototypes created by Oskar Barnack, is the most expensive camera ever sold. It was sold at auction in Vienna in 2018.

1923 Leica 0-Series No. 122 - $2.97 million

This particular Hasselblad 500C was used on the Apollo 11 mission in 1969 to capture the first ever photographs of humans on the moon. The camera was sold at auction in 2019.

Hasselblad 500C on the Moon - $910,400

This camera is significant because it is one of the earliest known examples of a daguerreotype camera. Daguerreotypes were an early form of photography that was invented in the 1830s. The camera was sold at auction in 2007.

Louis Daguerre's Giroux Daguerreotype Camera - $740,000

The original Niépce camera is believed to be lost, but replicas have been made. The camera was used to take the world's first permanent photograph in 1826. Because the original camera is lost and the technology behind it is groundbreaking, it is considered priceless.

Niépce Camera (replica) - Priceless

The Phase One XF IQ5 is a high-end medium format digital camera that was released in 2019. It boasts a 151-megapixel sensor and is known for its exceptional image quality. While not nearly as expensive as the top contenders, it is still one of the most costly cameras on the market today.

Phase One XF IQ5 - $65,000