Humans could go extinct in 200 years due to Artificial Super Intelligence: Study

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AI's Role in the Fermi Paradox

Scientists delved into the possibility that the rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) might offer insights into the Fermi Paradox, which questioned the absence of evidence for extraterrestrial civilizations despite the high probability of their existence.

The Great Filter Theory

Michael Garrett's recent study introduced the concept that the evolution of AI into Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) could serve as the "Great Filter" - a critical obstacle that intelligent civilizations must overcome to reach interstellar capabilities.

Michael Garrett's Findings

Garrett's study suggested that the unchecked development of ASI could lead to the extinction of civilizations within a mere 200 years, providing a potential explanation for the absence of detectable signs of past extraterrestrial life.

Existential Threats of ASI

The study underscored the urgency of implementing regulations for AI development, emphasizing the existential threats posed by the unchecked evolution of ASI and the need for proactive measures to mitigate these risks.

Urgency of AI Regulation

Beyond concerns of job displacement, the study highlighted the ethical and societal challenges associated with advanced AI, emphasizing the importance of developing regulations to ensure its responsible use and prevent potential catastrophic outcomes.

Stephen Hawking's Warning

The late Stephen Hawking's warnings about the dangers of AI surpassing human intelligence resonated with the concept of ASI, reflecting concerns about the potential existential threat posed by uncontrolled AI development.

Balancing AI Advancements

While the rapid rise of AI presented promising opportunities, it also demanded careful consideration of its potential pitfalls, urging policymakers and researchers to proactively address the ethical, societal, and existential challenges it posed.

Ensuring AI's Positive Impact

To ensure that AI became a force for positive change rather than a threat to humanity, efforts focused on developing regulations, fostering transparency, and promoting responsible AI deployment to maximize its benefits while mitigating risks.