How to Eat Pizza Like An Italian

24 APR 2024

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Choose the right pizza:

In Italy, pizza is often simpler compared to the loaded varieties in other parts of the world. Look for classic options like Margherita (tomato sauce, mozzarella, basil) or Marinara (tomato sauce, garlic, oregano).

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Eat it with your hands:

Italians typically eat pizza with their hands rather than using utensils. Fold the slice in half lengthwise for easier handling, especially if it's a thin-crust pizza.

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Enjoy the crust:

In Italy, the crust is just as important as the toppings. Don't leave it behind—savor it! You can dip it in olive oil or use it to scoop up any leftover sauce on your plate.

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Take your time:

Italian meals are meant to be enjoyed slowly, and pizza is no exception. Take your time to savor each bite and appreciate the flavors.

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Pair it with the right beverage:

Italians often enjoy pizza with a glass of wine, beer, or a soft drink. Choose a beverage that complements the flavors of the pizza.

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Respect tradition:

While it's okay to experiment with toppings, remember to respect the traditional ingredients and flavors of Italian pizza. Sometimes, simplicity is key.

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Share the experience:

In Italy, pizza is often enjoyed with friends and family. Consider sharing a few different pizzas so everyone can try a variety of flavors.

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Embrace the culture:

Eating pizza like an Italian is not just about the food—it's about embracing the culture and lifestyle. Relax, enjoy good company, and appreciate the moment.

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By following these tips, you can enjoy pizza like a true Italian and experience the authentic flavors of this beloved dish. Buon appetito!