By Raya Ghosh

Malaika Arora's Yoga Class
Is In Session

Malaika Arora's Yoga Class Is
In Session

5 Tips To Get Rid Of Acne Spots

Acne occurs when the hair follicles in the skin become plugged with oil and dead skin cells.

More than acne, the marks and dark spots left behind can cause frustration. 

Here are five ways how to get rid of acne spots.

Include actives like azelaic acid, glycolic or salicylic acid serums to your skincare.

Prevention is better than cure. Apply sunscreen to prevent spots in the first place. 

Sunscreen is highly important in protecting your skin.

A homemade mask consisting of yoghurt and turmeric can help too.

A wound-healing silicon gel can help soften the hollow scars.